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Jonah Andersson - Award

Issued by Developers Day

Congrats Jonah!

You have been received this award as you have been selected as a Developers Day 2024 winner!

Developers Day is a unique gala that takes place on Programmer's Day on September 13th (leap year edition this year). The gala aims to celebrate developers and tech profiles as heroes in the tech industry. This gala evening celebrates and recognizes these professional groups who often work in silence to create fantastic technical solutions and innovative products that improve our lives. 

The nomination process has been open to the public and the finalists have been selected by an independent jury. The categories at Developers Day 2024 are Educator of the Year, Developer of the Year, Open Source Contributor of the Year, Tech Leader of the Year, IT Consulting Company of the Year and Freelancer of the Year.


The gala is sponsored by Developers Bay, SALT, TRUE, PP Pension, If Försäkring, Techledarna, PerMånad & B3 Consulting.